Episode # 44 – Religious Freedom
This month’s episode of Thirst No More and Bear Fruit, Julie Castro talks with Gabriel Sharp, author of Stand Up for Your People. Raised in what he knew to be a Christian home as a Mojave Indian, Mr. Sharp knew nothing of his Native American culture. When he was incarcerated, Gabriel was invited to attend a Sweat Lodge ceremony. Gabriel shares a fraction of his experience of suing the Arizona Department of Corrections for his religious rights to practice his Native American culture.
Julie shares how some tribal traditions are similar to the Word of God and hopes that believers in Jesus would not judge the culture and their beliefs, but love the Native Americans where they are, share the Word of God with them, and let the Holy Spirit do the rest.
Ms. Castro closes the show by reading a prayer of repentance for how Native Americans were first treated by the early settlers and are still treated by some people
YouTube Link: Episode # 44 – Religious Freedom