Julie Castro, Producer and Director for I Am Life is interviewed by Denita Hedgeman, host of Moments in Waiting. Ms. Castro shares how the film came into existence and God’s vision for the movie.
Listen to Julie Castro as she shares with Inseong Kim, host of Yesterday Today Tomorrow about I Am Life, the feature film Ms. Castro is producing and directing. This two-part message can be found at:
Part 1
Part 2
Julie wrote an article for Divine Purpose Magazine about the importance of being flexible when writing the plan that God has for each person. She shares her experiences of flexibility when producing the film, I Am Life.
Julie Swaney, Choreographer and Costume Designer for I Am Life is interviewed by Denita Hedgeman, host of Moments in Waiting. Ms. Swaney shares about prophetic dance and choreographing the 30+ dances for the film.
Habakkuk 2:2-3
Thirst No More and Bear Fruit will be a leading non-religious, Christian program on national and international television that highlights unknown ministries. It will take the love of Jesus to the nations, as the world will be the mission field.
Thirst No More and Bear Fruit will feature guests (ministries) who are genuine, have a heart for people and are doing God’s work with love. The show will break fallow ground (hearts) so that a personal (not a religious) relationship with Jesus transforms the viewer. The program will free nations from the traditions of man and denominational religiosity in order to draw both non- believers and believers into a personal and/or deeper relationship with Jesus.
Thirst No More and Bear Fruit values and believes in the inherent word of God as written in the Holy Bible. The program believes in God the Father, God the Son and God the Holy Spirit – three persons in One. We believe in water baptism, the gifts of the Spirit and the sanctification of individuals. We show our love for the Lord our God with all our heart, soul and mind through obedience to His word. We understand we are saved by grace and our faith in Jesus makes us righteous, not our works. Finally, we believe in the great commission, which requires believers to go among the nations and make people Disciples of Christ. We love everyone because God loved us first.
Download the Thirst No More & Bear Fruit Media Kit.