Episode # 39 – Emunah and KING Dance


This month’s episode of Thirst No More and Bear Fruit, Julie Castro and Laurie Szenicer, CEO of Emunah USA talk about the Israeli orphanages that started after World War II for the surviving children of the Holocaust. Laurie shares how from her heart about raising money worldwide for the Emunah (Faith) housing that does not discriminate.

Ms. Szenicer tells how Christians can help support Emunah by holding a Hallah Bake, which is the making and baking of bread as a fundraiser where people also learn about the orphanage and some Jewish facts. Christians and Jews working together for the benefit of children’s lives in Israel. And we know that Israel is the apple of God’s eye and His chosen people.

Then, Julie introduces Julie Swaney and KING Ministries Dance Company. Julie shares the inspiration of this Hebrew dance and introduces members of the company. The music is by Paul Wilbur and the dance was choreographed by Julie, who was inspired by the song Paul wrote, Roar from Zion.

YouTube Link: Episode # 39 – Emunah and KING Dance