Episode #19 – Shifts, Seasons and Transitions
This month’s episode of Thirst No More and Bear Fruit features a conversation that Julie Castro had with Hope Benn about Seasons, Shifts and Transition.
Hope and Julie share how waiting is an important part of the shifts, seasons and transitions that God may have us in at any given time. In fact, both Julie and Hope are in a season of waiting.
Waiting means having patience and letting God do His work. As Hope points out, waiting is like GPS. You are on the road to the destination, but you hear no direction. Until a direction is given, you keep doing what you know to do. Stay on the path, even
though you may want to make a move.
When you find yourself waiting for the next season and nothing is happening, keep waiting.
The new thing will come. Remember it’s God’s timing, not ours.
YouTube Link: Episode #19 – Shifts, Seasons and Transitions