Episode #27 – Destiny


This month’s episode of Thirst No More and Bear Fruit, Julie Castro talks with LeaAnn Pendergrass about walking into one’s Destiny. LeaAnn shares her personal experience of how she accepted Jesus as her Lord and Savior, left her Alabama music business behind to serve Him. After years of service in various capacities, God opened a door placing her in Hollywood, CA; bringing her full circle regarding her love for music. When a person is willing to give up what one loves the most to walk with the Lord, He restores in due season.

Julie and LeaAnn have known each other for a few years and even though they don’t talk to one another very often, these two women share about their respective destinies as if no time had passed. That is known as being one in the Spirit.

LeaAnn serves as Pastor of My Gathering Place International and is the Producer and Host of the TV program, Uniting the Nations.

YouTube Link: Episode #27 – Destiny